Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Big Move

Last week was hard. So hard.

Saying goodbye sucks. There were too many tears, too often. Every day I had to say bye to someone else. BUT... I'm not looking at it as goodbye... because it's just "see ya later" because, I will just be seeing everybody later. Let's pretend that I am super busy with school and work, so I cannot hang out for the next several weeks.

Thanks to my lovely sister who put together such a cute package of things to get me through my travels!! Loved it, and used MOST of it!

Unfortunately, Glenn and I will not be able to visit NY all too often, because we both have leases, and 12k miles per year doesn't go very far. I have installed the Ding! app on my iPhone, so I WILL be searching for cheap flights to Albany all the time.

The drive down was actually much fun for me, because MiRiam rode with me in my new car, which we named on the way down. It's a good story, I enjoy it, and my brother liked it even more.

Sooo... IDK how Mim always comes up with perfect names whenever I have to name something, but she does. After only a few seconds of being silent thinking, she said "Starla", and I just about peed my pants. I used to have this toy when I was a kid... well... I'll just let the video do all of the explaining...

Pretty fabulous, right?

Well my brother loved to tease me. And mine (or anybody's actually) only memory of this doll, was my brother saying into her microphone "Starla Stupid". I mean this happened over and over again. Sooo.. Starla has a very special place in my heart, in only seemed right to pass that name onto my new civic.

It has been a LOONnGG few days of organizing, unpacking, and setting up, and we are almost ALL done! Which feels great. Thank you SOO much to everybody who helped pack, load, move, unload, unpack, organize, and most importantly MOTIVATE! Your help is soo truly appreciated, and you know that if you EVER need any help, we are there for you back!! =]

This was actually outside of a Home Depot. Make of it what you will.

We had our first "adventure" today. Glenn and I were about to leave to go grocery shopping, but DJ said we should go to this Peruvian chicken place for dinner, so we did. It was quite an experience. I was absolutely apprehensive to begin with, but it was delish. We are hoping for some REAL adventures as soon as we are all done unpacking.

Skype, anybody? I also love LETTERS! Visits are also welcome. <3<3<3

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Glenn, Roxy, and I are moving to Falls Church, VA next weekend =] We are starting a new adventure in attempts to fulfill some goals and visions that we have had for years. I have heard words of wisdom from people older than me, telling me, "if you ever want to experience something new, do it while you are still young, before you have a career and a family to take care of. If it's really something you want, you NEED to do it, or you WILL regret it." So... we are doing it!! We are just picking up and going without any concrete plans. Well, we do have one plan. DJ and Miriam will be housing us. At least for the next 4 months. Glenn and I have talked to FedEx, and our manager is trying to transfer us to a facility in Alexandria. Haven't heard anything yet, but our fingers are crossed.

I had a fever on Monday and Tuesday, accompanied by fluid filling my lungs. Wednesday through today, it's been exhaustion and many upper respiratory issues. So, after an entire week of being sick, I am still not back to full health. I am pushing through it anyway because there is so much to be done still.

Yesterday, Amanda invited herself over (which I totally love that she does, Glenn and I usually don't do much of anything, so it's nice to know she would love to do nothing with us.) We had sushi (of course, sushi Saturday!) and she morally supported me as I started to purge through all of the stuff I have accumulated. Packing isn't an easy task, especially when you have moved before and know how frustrating it is to move crap that you don't even really want or need. So packing in general hasn't been going too well, but purging stuff that we will not be bringing has been going fantastically.

Then, Tina & Ed held a small dinner for me, Glenn and Racheal, just to get a few of us together in one place so we could hug and say goodbye for now. Racheal is starting her own adventure in Las Vegas this week! Very exciting.

I woke up at 7:30 this morning and just finished my homework for the week. Classes have been easy to keep up with so far (haa, I'd hope so, only two weeks in) but my economics course has been ROUGH to say the least. It is ALLLLLL calculus. Gross!!!

Glenn and I were invited to dinner at the Call's house this evening, so it looks like the second night in a row we are being cooked for. Excited to see Mr. and Mrs. Call and spend some time with them.

The rest of my week will consist of more purging, packing and organizing. My lease inspection is the 16th, then I turn in my car on the 18th. If anybody wants to cook us meals, we will not decline. Oh, and we are done at FedEx on the 17th, so if anybody wants to hang out with us that night, we don't have to be in bed at 8 =]

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Falling behind...

The past 3 days I've fallen terribly behind on absolutely everything in my life. I haven't had the energy to pack, do household chores, or even consider doing homework. I've been going to fedex in the morning because we really need the money, but I know for sure it's making me feel even more sick. I would have been more than fine having that fever and fluid in my lungs for a day. Fine. Nope, day 3. The fever broke, for now. (I'm sure it will reignite after fedex tomorrow morning like it did today).

Oh, so.. Yeah lots to do that I cannot push off much longer because Glenn and I are moving to NoVA next weekend! We decided to finally just do it, we've been talking about moving further south for years, so it is going to be a welcome change. A little frightening because we are going down without any solid plans, other than DJ and Miriam are soo graciously opening up their home for us to stay.

So, I'm trying to get better as soon as possible. Too much to do and not enough time to sit around and be sick. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Monday, February 7, 2011

Rough day

Today was the worst day I've had in a very long time. I have had a fever all day, tried sleeping it out. Now I feel like if I weren't sick, I could have potentially saved Diesel's short little life.

I should have noticed when I got home from work that he wasn't feeling well, he was sitting by the front door. Instead, I walked right passed him and went to bed. What if I noticed? What if I weren't sick, would he still be here with his cute little dorito ears, nibbling on my thumb?

Rough day. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Sunday, February 6, 2011


So, 5 days in to February, and I couldn't complete the 28 in 28.

So my day yesterday went a little like this...

Went to work, got done about 8, ad came out to the car to find my phone not working. Nothing I did would fix it, so I am phoneless. Went home and ate some pizza and was on my way for my state exam, 1 hour early. I tried to get my pitiful car out of the driveway, and ended up in a snowbank backwards. My gps died, now even if I could get my car out, I didn't know where I was going. I left my car and took Glenn's car and phone to use as a gps. (he got my car out of the snow bank, but now he is phoneless). At this point it is 8:45... 45 minutes till my state exam. It took probably about 20 or so minutes to get into Albany. And then, the hell began. I drove up and down every side road around the high school looking for some place to park. Apparently state exams are popular, because there were people walking in the middle of the streets, parking insanely, just havoc everywhere. It seriously was like they were giving out $100 bills in the high school. It was that insane. I found a parking spot on a side road about 8 blocks away. At 9:28. Definitely cannot walk that fast. Too bad it says right on the exam entrance sheet that if you are late, you are not taking the test.BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop
OOOWWW... My blog failed twice on my iPhone, so I am cutting this short, I really can't manage to type out the entire rest of the blog post for a third time.
Long story short, I didn't take the state exam, lost $45 from not taking it, went to a fun Alice in Wonderland theme birthday party for a 3 year old, and got a new tank for Atlas for $15 at the Flea Market! =]
Now, I am attempting to do homework and watch the Super Bowl!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Running out of time!

Wow, almost forgot to blog today!

Short and sweet...

My weekend will consist of:
1. Waking up at 4 am to go to work.
2. Taking a state exam
3. Going with Glenn to photograph a kids bday party
4. Watching the super bowl.
5. Lottttsaaaa homework.

Thrilling, no?

Sunset over 787 yesterday.

Goodnight! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Forts, playdoh, and meltdowns, oh my!

So I'm hanging out with Zoë today. We have had a lot of fun playing pretend, being crafty, and making music.
Hiding out under her table,

So I'm pre-exhausted before getting here this morning due to spending a few hours at fedex beforehand. But! I pushed through it and had lots of fun playing tea party, molding jewelry out of playdoh, and playing Coldplay's "The Scientist" on the mini princess keyboard that Glenn and I got Zoë for Xmas.

Sock puppets!

Afternoon nap came late today, and only after a meltdown. She was soo sleepy, she was stumbling over her own feet while forcing herself to stay awake.
Passed out from exhaustion!
She is sleeping on me now, as I type up this blog on my iPhone one-handed.

I'm a very lucky aunt!! :) BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day Two

Second day of February. Second say of being snowed in. Second day in a row that I have posted a blog. :)

How about some lunch on the patio? I mean, we might have to dig out the table first though.

So, I've been requested to say more about my classes. I'm taking two. One is called Economic Foundations for Public Decision Making. It will be my 5th economics course in my life, but it's been a few years, so it will probably all seem new. Week 1 is mathematical review. The other course is called Environmental Compliance Management. Not as interested in the course content, but it will be manageable because the professor seems pretty laid back. Week 1 is the system of environmental law.

Well, I should probably get to work on my first week of assignments. Grad school is relentless.
Lola enjoying her snow day! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

28 in 28! I accept.

So, reading Kate's blog, I decided that I will ALSO attempt to do a blog post for every day this month. I love the reasoning that if any month it were possible, it'd be the shortest one! =] She already does an awesome job updating her blog at least twice a week, if not more. I am not even close, but with her reminders, I think I'll be able to do it. For a few days anyway. Hahaha! =]

Today, I started my masters degree. I am taking online courses at Johns Hopkins University. My program is Environmental Planning and Management. I don't know what I want to do with it, but maybe once taking a few courses, I'll have a clearer idea.

"Veritas Vos Liberabit" - The Truth Will Set You Free.