Sunday, March 6, 2011

Long Overdue

So, my excuse isn't even a good one. I haven't unpacked my computer yet, and I don't really know how to work Glenn's (he's got a macbook pro, it's like a completely different world). I'm just figuring it all out now so I can post some updates.

View from my bed.

It's been two weeks that we have been in VA. We are all comfortable and settled in. Glenn got a job at Hyundai of Alexandria and he starts tomorrow! I have yet to find a job, but the hunt is definitely on.

So, the first week we were here was a lot of unpacking, organizing, and manipulating of things within our space. Oh something fun that Glenn had to do, our outlets here were only for two pronged electrical devices. HUUGGEE problem (tv, mini fridge, laptop?!) So Glenn became a handy man and installed three new outlets! He did AWESOME, it only took like 15 minutes (after we bought everything). Everything is setup and comfortable now. We bought a couch from ikea, it's a tiny little thing and it folds out into a bed. Roxy loves it, I'm not a huge fan.

Last Sunday was awesome. DJ had the day off, so we started out by attempting to go gun shopping. The first two places were closed, and the third didn't have anything of interest for my brother.
After that we decided to go to the Marine Corps Museum! I've wanted to go for years, ever since I saw Glenn's pictures. It was GREAT! I would HIGHLY recommend it. Only problem was, by the end of our trip through the museum I was looking for a recruiter to sign myself up. =] Very inspiring.

The guy at the Iwo Jima installment told us thatthe shape of the museum represents the popular picture ofthe 2nd flag raising at Iwo Jima on Mt. Suribachi.
I could say a billion things about the museum, but really you have to just go see it for yourself. There is SOO much information and there are soo many amazing things to see.

After the museum, we all went to a sushi place called Wasabi, where the sushi comes to your table on conveyor belts (so cool!) and Fruity Yogurt.
This past week flew by. It seemed that I worked on school stuff ALL week. Which I choose not to blog about, because it's going so terribly. Well, Monday was pretty exciting. I messed up my hair by trying to dye it back to blonde, but my roots took REALLY well and were like bleach blonde, and the rest was a strawberry blonde, with a VERY definite line between them. So Miriam and I did some research and found a hair dresser. We both got our hair done. It took 5 HOURS! And a lot more money than I EVER care to spend on my hair again. I LOVE my hair now, the color is so fabulous, they did an awesome job fixing it.

The only picture I have, taken with my front facing camera on the iphone. Glenn is going to take a good picture for me when I finally feel like doing my makeup nicely and doing my hair.

This weekend, we had more fun!! We started the day off by going to the gun stores that were closed last weekend. DJ ended up buying a gun while Miriam and I ALLLMOOOSTTTT starved to death. THANK GOODNESS the gun store had a quarter machine with peanut m&ms. (A grand total of 8 m&ms for $0.50) And then after that, we realized there were donut holes RIGHT there, and consumed them.

We went out to Joe's Crab Shack afterwards for some lunch and a celebratory meal for Glenn getting a job! It
was the most AMAZING place ever. So delish!!! Glenn was in heaven, I thought he was going to have a heart attack he was so excited about FINALLY getting to go to a Joe's!

Then, we were all full and happy, and we went to the NRA range. It was an hour wait, so we went to the NRA museum, which was cool. My favorite part was the Hollywood gun room - had all sorts of guns used in movies and who used them as which character.

After we spent some time looking at everything in the museum,
we went back and Glenn and I took our range tests, and got these!

Then my brother and Glenn peer pressured me into shooting DJ's new gun. I am a pretty terrible shot, but it was exciting!

We rounded out the day by purchasing a couple bottles of wine. Miriam has made us all lushes because of this DELISHH wine she introduced to us. It's soo sweet and sparkly. Ok, hardly lushes, but I have had one glass of wine almost every other night.

So begins a brand new week. I've got lots of work to do in terms of laundry and dusting. Spring cleaning has been consuming me lately, so I definitely feel the urge to clean quite often, it's very strange. My plans for tomorrow include zumba and hopefully getting some new flip flops at target. My favorite ones from last summer are on sale and I have a coupon! Yess!!!

That is all for now, but wow that was a ton. I will not go so far in between blog updates any more! Please please please skype me, I have skype on my iPhone and I ALWAYS have my iPhone on me.


  1. Well that was about time!!. Thank you for an update. Everything sounds so excited. Ya know what is going on here right now? Sleet. Tons and tons of frozen rain coating everything. I don't think driving to work tomorrow is happening.
    I wish I could have a little more adventure. I'll have an update soon but I garuantee it will be pretty lame in comparison.

  2. Looking back on all these is really fun. (And funny) Great to remember some of these things I would have forgotten....and you are DONE WITH SCHOOL NOW!!!! AHH it made you MISERABLE!!!! We said- just stick it out and it will help you land your dream job...........TADA!!!!
